#26: Guiding future leaders at work

Guiding future leaders at work: Episode Notes

The way we work has changed significantly, and so is the way we educate the future generation of leaders. 
Processes have become much faster, and data gets shared in bigger amounts than ever. While In the past we searched for the right information, today we need to be able to filter the right knowledge and documentation out. 

Organizations know this and need to adapt their education methods if they want to form the next generation of leaders. Guiding people nowadays includes keeping your workforce healthy, productive and happy.
As a matter of fact, only a well-balanced organization can hope to keep their talents in the long term. You need to invest and educate people in order to grant an organization with a so-called “multiplier effect” and create an effective machine. 

It is no secret that leaders usually hold the key to people’s success. Individuals who want to develop as modern leaders need to ask themselves questions like: 

  • What is expected of me?
  • How do I provide feedback, and how do I receive it?
  • How do I listen?
  • How do I take care of people?
  • Ultimately, what does leadership mean? 

Answering the above in the right way can be very challenging, especially for younger managers who have not received any strong guidance. 

The second part of the interview focuses on the right behavior to adopt when professionals outgrow their company and become unhappy with their role.
Some best practices include: 

  • Working out together with your colleague what the reasons are and whether there are alternative options within the organization
  • Listen rather than speak
  • Be patient
  • Offer to help them find other roles in different organizations
  • Help them review their Linkedin profile and CV
  • Connect them with the right contacts in your network
  • Realize that it is not about what is best for you, but it is about what is best for them
  • Should there be no alternative, be happy to let them go

Our Guest: Romy von Roeder

Romy von Roeder

People Team Leader with experience in both, corporate and start up environments of more than 15 years. The people focused career started with responsibilities for People & Leadership Development and Global Diversity Management at Vattenfall and continued with building People Teams from scratch at Wire and Casper or rebuilding at Applift. 

Today Romy is heading the People & Culture Team at TIER Mobility, one of the leading micro mobility providers with the vision to change mobility for good.


Romy von Roeder Linkedin profile