#12: Impostor syndrome at work

Impostor syndrome at work: Episode Notes

In this episode of the Stepsero podcast we discuss a series of relevant work-related topics, including a common psychological phenomenon known as the impostor syndrome.

Albert, is an HR leader who decided to intensify his focus on people following a very trying experience that involved a mass layoff.
Our conversation starts with covering specific traits of the modern workplace and its impact on individuals’ well-being.

Specifically, Albert explains that in very fast-paced environments professionals might find themselves in great difficulty due to factors like high demands and intense competition. Individuals might be pressured into working harder than ever while often dealing with inadequate resources. On top of this, some workers may develop a tendency to minimize their own achievements and see themselves as total frauds, therefore falling into the trap of impostor syndrome. 

Among the reasons why this happens, Albert mentions an innate fear component paired with our need to seek approval, which is rooted in our upbringing and can become dangerously addictive.

Along the whole interview, we discuss several pointers for leaders to create a safer work environment. Below are a few examples that we find particularly useful:

  • Know yourself and understand what makes you feel serene. Encourage others to do the same by creating a safe workplace.
  • There will always be areas where you are less prepared, and that is only natural. Make sure you regularly check in with yourself to avoid losing touch with reality. Simple things like listening to music and spending time with your loved ones can be extremely powerful.
  • Be open to learn from others, regardless of your seniority level, and engage in meaningful conversations.
  • Set clear expectations and be vocal about them. For instance, if your email is not urgent and its past work time, make sure you specify that you don’t need any feedback about it.

Our Guest: Albert Alabau

Albert Alabau Profile Picture

Albert has developed a career in HR for more than 15 years, having spent over one third of that being an active part of leadership teams within hyper-growth, tech startup companies.
He specializes in building organizational cultures that foster high-performance and allow talented individuals from anywhere in the world flourish and be happy while making the highest possible impact. 

Albert has an outstanding track record growing, developing and managing top-performing, highly customer-focused teams both face-to-face and remote, where employees are more than owners and brand ambassadors: they are satisfied and are thriving on a mission which fulfills them. 


Albert Alabau Linkedin profile

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